(Taken from the Media Release)
With the summer holidays just around the corner, there are plenty of opportunities for children to read some new books. By independently reading 10 or more age-appropriate books during their Summer holidays, students will go in to the draw to win one of three iPod Nanos.

There are three age categories, based on the age the student is on Friday February 9 2007. The categories are: Ages 5-8 Ages 9-13 Ages 14-18 Students must record all the books they read on a log sheet, which is signed off by a parent or guardian. This log can be found on the back of this sheet or on the website
Children can return the forms by Wednesday, 7th Feb, to be sent in from the school. The draw will take place on Monday 12 February. "This is an exciting challenge and I encourage students of all ages to take part," said Greg. "Books open our eyes, broaden our minds and spark our imaginations. Literacy is a wonderful gift which provides a lifetime of enjoyment."
The Premier's Reading Challenge will continue again next year